How to uninstall wise program uninstaller
How to uninstall wise program uninstaller

how to uninstall wise program uninstaller

It scans your system for all the files and registries, that are associated with this software and deletes them thoroughly, just like you have never installed the software. The ‘Forced Uninstall’ option of Wise Program comes in handy.

how to uninstall wise program uninstaller

The built-in scan engine will scan and delete all the left associated files, folders and registry items after the de-installation, making sure the software is completely removed from your computer.įor some stubborn software or software with a broken uninstaller, they can't be uninstalled by conventional means. Besides, the program search function is supported. This freeware is better than similar programs at uninstalling stubborn and broken programs by force uninstall. And it can repair the programs of Windows Office, Adobe etc. Missed items included our service, the associated Users\Name\AppData\Roaming folder, and, crucially, some of the installer Registry keys (when we ran our test setup later it thought it was still installed).Wise Program Uninstaller is able to remove your software by safe uninstall. It also found our HKLM\Software and HKCU\Software Registry keys, and the file association. The results dialog listed our main application folder, the Start Menu entry and desktop shortcut. Here's a list of installed programs, scroll to or search for the one you need, and launch a regular or forced uninstall. Get past that and the program is more like any other uninstaller. Wise Program Uninstaller is a free application which can fully uninstall other software, without leaving any disk debris or orphaned Registry keys.Īlthough it's aimed at helping you reduce the number of programs on your system, for some reason it requires installation itself, and - even worse - by default will install other applications unless you notice this, and hit Decline.

How to uninstall wise program uninstaller